[Bnomic-private] sigh

Jonathan David Amery jdamery@ysolde.ucam.org
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 20:15:33 +0100

>  major contribution, you might look into a Citibank account -- they have=
>  branches all over the world, so if one set up an account in one country,=
>  someone in another country could deposit into it.  As opposed to the=
>  service charges of the first two, the charge would be the currency=
>  conversion.

 If I could afford that size contribution then I'd be able to afford
the ridiculous charges that my bank charge to make payments into
foreign accounts.  Or to have a credit-card[1].

 Unfortunatly, being newly-wed, my finances aren't up to that. :-(


[1] If I had a cc then I'd impulse buy too much - I never carry much
cash around for this reason either.