[Bnomic-private] Cont: Immutable rule

bd bdonlan@maine.rr.com
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:02:14 -0400

__Mutations BAD! Krunk smash!__

Amend rule 33 to read as follows:
Each Rule has an attribute called Chutzpah, which is a positive integer. =
the event of a conflict between two or more rules, if this rule is one, i=
takes precedence. Otherwise, the rule with the highest Chutzpah takes

If two or more rules have equal Chutzpah, the rule with the lowest
identification number takes precedence.

If at least one of the rules in conflict explicity says of itself that it
defers to another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall
supersede the Chutzpah method for determining precedence.

If two or more rules claim to take precedence over each other or to defer=
one another, then the Chutzpah method again governs.

Whenever one section of a rule conflicts with another section of the same
rule, the section which appears later in the rule takes precedence over t=
earlier section.

This rule may not be repealed or amended.
Create the following CFI:
Statement: Rule 33 may not be repealed, renumbered, or amended, EVER, and=
CFI cannot be overruled by other CFIs or by any other method.

Rule the preceding CFI TRUE.
Appeal the preceding CFI.
Rule the preceding CFI TRUE.

The above =3D=3D my from field. Duh.