[Bnomic-private] Referesh Prop

Wonko dplepage@twcny.rr.com
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:49:27 -0400

Actually, here's a refresh proposal now that I've given the matter some

Put all Gnomes owned by players into eir Gnome Bags.

Reset the Clock to nweek 22, nday 8, and turn the Clock On.

Renumber all of bd's 1001 CFI's using the numbers between -1000 and -2002.
Renumber everything issued after bd's CFI's using the numbers they would
have recieved had bd not issued 1001 CFI's.

[[We can just pretend they were never there - no need to record em in the
DB. E legally rescinded em, anyway. But we need the CFI's to have actually
happened so Entropy can blow a lot of the need for records away.]]

[[ The Gremlins aren't an issue - they're all clobbered when bd's Entropy
skyrockets from eir CFI's, and the grid blows. Once all Gnomes are bagged,
they aren't a problem either. The Money issue is already being dealt with by
proposals - as far as I can tell, mine is the only "fix the economy"
proposal that won't become entirely moot if money is dealt with here. Since
the Clock is starting on nday 8, we won't have time to replace these
proposals, so many people will lose points for circumstances beyond eir
control. Meanwhile, a couple people turned most of eir points into BNS, and
taking all that away and turning it into a mere 50 points worth of BNS would
be cruel.

Don't worry about the economy, folks, I'll give almost all of what I took
back as soon as I'm sure I'm actually giving it back to the Bank, and not
just all to someone else using my same scam. ]]
