[Bnomic-private] This oughta stir up some discussion...

Joshua Caudle squire_of_dimness@sbcglobal.net
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 23:46:47 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "David E. Smith" <dave@technopagan.org>
To: <bnomic-private@ysolde.ucam.org>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 11:52 PM
Subject: [Bnomic-private] This oughta stir up some discussion...

> ... or at least be a good way to kill some time.
> I propose that, if there's enough players around to do so, we initiate a
> State of Emergency. Just for the heck of it, mostly.
> Technically, Joel's been offline for well more than seven days, so we can
> get away with that sort of thing anyway.
> Here's the bare minimum refresh proposal:
> Make 5 random Gremlins Active; put all other Gremlins into Hiding.
> [[ Gremlin records were only on Joel's system and are presumed lost. ]]
> Remove all BNS from all players, then give 500 BNS to each player. Give
> the Bank (5,000,000 - (500 * number of players)) BNS.
> [[ Because it needs to be done anyway. ]]
> Reset the Clock to nweek 22, nday 8, and turn the Clock On.
> [[ I'll recognize, as best I can, stuff from the past couple weeks worth
> of emails, and then voting will start. This list will carry on as the
> Public Forum. ]]
> Discuss. :-)
> ...dave
I recognise state of emergency esp since I originally suggested it... :-P

I'm perfectly happy with the refresh prop being as it means I'll actually
have some currency to convert ot a point value... yay! not to mention that
wonko no longer  has control of hte economy as for hte stock exchange props
I'm goign to have to look at thos again once we leave the state of
emergency... spekaing of which where is joel??? I thouight he was only
expecting a week of downtime....