[Bnomic-private] Proposal: flats

Glotmorf glotmorf@earthlink.net
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 11:45:25 -0400

On 9/18/02 at 4:22 AM Glotmorf wrote:

>{{ _Your Flat or Mine?_
>Add the following subsection to Rule 301:
>E.5. Flats
>There exist conditionally impassable stationary objects called Flats.  A
>Flat is a structure erected on an otherwise unoccupied surface square of
>the Grid, or on top of another Flat.
>An entity can create a Flat at a given surface unit by specifying eir
>desire to do so on the public forum.  A Flat costs 35 points, and is
>constructed at the end of the nweek in which it is purchased.
>Once the Flat has been constructed, it is considered a square for the
>purposes of movement, except that its owner has sole discretion over who
>is allowed to enter it.  Its grid location is (x,y,z), where (x,y) is the
>location of the surface square on which it, or the flats under it, are
>built, and z is the elevation of the surface square plus the number of
>flats under it.  The unoccupied roof of the flat is considered to be a
>square at location (x,y,z+1).
>If an entity is not permitted to enter the Flat, e is still able to
>navigate the fire escape on the side of the flat to move to the square
>above or below the Flat.  Climbing the flat, either up or down, is
>considered a move, but the Flat being climbed cannot be the square the
>entity ends eir movement on unless e is permitted to enter the Flat.  If
>an entity in a square at the same level as a Flat wishes to get to the
>roof of that Flat, e must move two squares: one to climb the Flat, and one
>to enter the roof square.
>If more than one Flat is stacked at a given surface unit, the collection
>of Flats is called a Building.
>The owner of a Flat may transfer ownership to any other entity e chooses;
>neither the former owner nor the new owner need occupy the Flat in order
>to perform the transfer.

Insert, after the fourth paragraph of the above proposal, the following=

	If moving from a flat or the roof of a flat to the surface or roof of an=
 adjoining surface unit would be illegal because of the difference in=
 elevation, but it is possible to climb down the building to a point that=
 the move would not be illegal, the moving entity may do so, inasmuch as=
 the entity has sufficient movement available to both make the climb and=
 enter the adjoining surface unit.
