[Bnomic-private] Windows XP - 75% OFF

bnomic-private@ysolde.ucam.org bnomic-private@ysolde.ucam.org
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 01:20:26 +0000

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     Get access to all the software possible for prices substantially lower
than in stores!
We sell software 2-6 times cheaper than retail price.

Just a few examples:
$79.95 Windows XP Professional (Including: Service Pack 2)
$89.95 Microsoft Office 2003 Professional / $79.95 Office XP Professional
$99.95 Adobe Photoshop 8.0/CS (Including: ImageReady CS)
$179.95 Macromedia Studio MX 2004 (Including: Dreamweaver MX + Flash MX
+ Fireworks MX)
$79.95 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional
$59.95 Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11

Special Offers:
$89.95 Windows XP Professional + Office XP Professional
$149.95 Adobe Creative Suite Premium (5 CD)
$129.95 Adobe Photoshop 7 + Adobe Premiere 7 + Adobe Illustrator 10

All main products from Microsoft, Adobe, Macromedia, Corel, etc.
And lots more... Enter here:


Vanessa Smith

To change your mail details, go here: http://www.softdisks-ltd.com/uns.htm

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 align=center border=0>
    <TD>Get access to all the software possible for 
      prices substantially lower than in stores!<BR>We sell software 2-6 times cheaper than retail 
      price.<BR><BR>Just a few 
      examples:<BR>$79.95 Windows XP Professional (Including: Service Pack 
      2)<BR>$89.95 Microsoft Office 2003 Professional / $79.95 Office 
      XP Professional<BR>$99.95 Adobe Photoshop 8.0/CS (Including: ImageReady 
      CS)<BR>$179.95 Macromedia Studio MX 2004 (Including: Dreamweaver MX + 
      Flash MX + Fireworks MX)<BR>$79.95 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 
      Professional<BR>$59.95 Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11<BR><BR>Special Offers:<BR>$89.95 Windows 
      XP Professional + Office XP Professional<BR>$149.95 Adobe Creative Suite Premium (5 CD)<BR>$129.95 Adobe Photoshop 7 + Adobe 
      Premiere 7 + Adobe Illustrator 10<BR><BR>All main products from Microsoft, 
      Adobe, Macromedia, Corel, etc.<BR>And lots more... Enter here:<BR><BR><A 
      Sincerely,<BR>Vanessa Smith<BR><BR><BR>_____________________________________________________ 
      change your mail details, go here: <A 


