Scratch list of Western Dawn books
A summa on Herbam, level 8, Quality 7 (10 to those adept in Faerie Magic)
"On botany", by Lignus ex domo Meranita
A Liber Quaesitonum on Rego, target level 4, Quality 3 (6 to FM users)
"Commanding the Spirits Within", by Lucius ex domo Mernita
A summa on Legend Lore, level 7, quality 8
"Collected folklore of the European Peoples", by Vagarius ex Miscallenae
Animal LQ, with commentary. Targets 0, combined Quality 9.
A First Course In Animalis, C. Burkhill. (0/6)
Limits, Beardon (0/3)
Animal LQ, Target 6, Quality 18
A Second Course In Animalis, C. Burkhill (6/18)
(And yes, they are cribbed directly from the names of books my Analysis
lecturers keep recommending...)
Mentam LQ, with commentary. Targets 0, combined Quality 7.
Thinking for Dummies, P. Atronalis. (0/8)
Thoughts I Have Had, Tedius ex Bonisagus (0/-1)
A Liber Quaesitonum on Corpus, target level 5, Quality 20
"A discussion on the workings of the body" by Praefactus ex Bonisagus
with a Commentary of Quality 10
"Where Praefactus got it wrong" by Susan of Wicklow ex domo Mercere
"Esther", A tractatus on Christian Theology, Quality 3, written in Latin
"Esther", A tractatus on Jewish Theology, Quality 5, written in Hebrew
(this book is written on a scroll of Uterine Vellum, and is
written in many colours of ink, however it is unpointed text
- leading to 1 point of it's quality being physical)
Between them these works form a summa on Scribe Hebrew of
level 5 and Quality 3. The book of Esther was written by
Mordecai son of Yair of the tribe of Benjamin.
Endings - Summae level 9, quality 2, on Perdo. The cover is rather scorched,
as are the edges of many pages - reducing the quality somewhat. You think
the words '... ex Flambeaux' can be made out, where the author's name should
The Body as a Machine - Summae level 5, quality 4, on Corpus. Also functions
as a LQ on Engineering, target 3, quality 8. By Cryonicus ex Verditius.
'The Pheripheral Code - Important Rulings, and their Application' by
Profundis ex Guernicus
A summa, level 5, quality 3, on Hermetic Law. Hernis' assorted marginal
notes, with specific regard to Novgarod, have effectively glossed this
to quality 7.
St Jerome Bible (Theologica Tractatus, Quality 10)
A Commentary on Platonic Dialogues, by Johan of Thuringia (Disputatio
Ttractatus, Quality 5)
Magick in Theory and Practice, by 'A.C.' - Vim Summae, Quality 8, Level 12
"Controlling the Changes" by Megaera ex Bonisagus
An LQ on Muto, target level 4, quality 15
One point of the quality comes from the inks used
with a Commentary of Quality 11
"Changing the Controls" by Yeremy ex Verditius
One point of the quality comes from the inks used
"Probing the Effable" by Megaera ex Bonisagus
An LQ on Intelligo, target level 2, quality 15
One point of the quality comes from the inks used
It is written in a particularly clear hand
with a Commentary of Quality 3
(which doesn't have a title yet) by Vaska ex Flambeau
"Properties of the Rowan" by Vaska ex Flambeau
An LQ on Survival, target level 2, quality 4
"Nill Illigitimi Carborundum" by Hermonus ex Miscallenae
An LQ on Parma, target level 5, quality 18
"Uno Die Roma Aedificata Est" by Wentus ex Verditus
A Summae on Creo, Level 12, Quality 8
And we also have another copy of Endings, by some Flambeau, quality 7 (1
point from pretty ink).
"Seeing is not believing" by Helena ex Merinita
An LQ on Imaginem, Target 1, Quality 3 (6 to users of Faerie Magic)
1 point of the quality comes from the inks used.
"The brewing of Hermetic Potions" by Yellina Ozwry ex Bjornaer
An LQ on Magic Theory, Target 4, Quality 12
One point of the quality comes from the inks used
with a Commentary of Quality 15 by Yury Beslav
"The applications of Hermetic theory to the Longevity Potion"
One point of the quality comes from the inks used
"A discussion on how the shapeshifting of house Bjornaer relates to Bonisagus'
Hermetic theory of magic"
A commented LQ on Muto by Zashya Miyovna and her mother Miya Cossuri.
The LQ is Target 10 and Quality 11, the commentary is Quality 15
One point of the quality of each comes from the inks used
"Discussions on Ignem" by Nastassia Baramov ex Bjornaer
and Megaera ex Boisagus, consisting of:
"Discussions with Megaera" by Nastassia Baramov ex Bjornaer.
LQ, target 2, quality 13
"An introduction to Ignem for readers of Nastassia Baramov"
by Megaera ex Bonisagus. Commentary on above, quality 17
"Thoughts on the Firebird" by Nastassia Baramov ex Bjornaer.
LQ, target 5, quality 13
"Grounding Nastassia Baramov's Firebird in Hermetic Theory"
by Megaera ex Bonisagus. Commentary on above, quality 17
This volume is written in a clear hand with 'pretty' inks and extensive
marginal illuminations and bound competantly (above qualities include +3
(We also have the originals of the commetaries - the LQs went back to TC)
"Commanding the Elements" by Simon filius Merinta
Summa on Rego, level 19, quality 12 (inks + clear hand + binding)
(took a little effort for her to pursuade them to bind this properly :))
'Spells' by Lyskandria ex Criamon:
Creo Aquam (Imaginem) 10 - Inks of Swirly Prettyness
Creo Auram 1 - Air's Ghostly Form
Intellego Herbam 4 - Probe Nature's Hidden Lore
Intellego Ignem 5 - Tales of the Ashes
'Revenge' by Elanya ex Tremere:
Muto Corpus (Animal) 35 - Curse of Circe
Perdo Corpus 25 - Bane of the Decrepit Body
Creo Mentem 25 - Weight of a Thousand Hells
'Omnes conscientia ex' by Lucien ex Bonisagus
Intellego Mentem 20 - Thoughts Within Babble
Intellego Vim 40 - Sight of the Active Magics
Intellego Auram 25 - Eyes of the Bat
Intellego Animal 25 - Opening the Tome of the Animal's Mind
'A spell for travellers' by Susan of Wicklow ex domo Mercere
Rego Corpus 35 - The Leap of Homecoming
'Getting Away with It' by Marianis ex Tytalus
PeVi20 Masking the Odor of Magic
MuVi20 Shroud Magic
InVi20 The Invisible Eye Revealed
Also functions as an LQ, target 2, quality 9, on Intrigue.
Careful research in the previous volume will reveal that Marianis really
never successfully prosecuted. Nor, however, was her killer.
'Interesting Applications of Auram, volume 2' by Imbilius ex Tremere
MuAu5 Blasting Wind, Blinding Mist
InAu15 Whispering Winds
ReAu25 Prison of the Zephyrs
InVi5 Scales of the Magical Weight
A sarcastic footnote on the cover page notes that:
1) Volume 1 contained Talon of the Winds
2) Talon of the Winds does not affect the caster.
3) Talon of the winds does, however, affect any book which the caster
be reading from, conveniently placed on a nareby lectern.
4) Profundis ex Guernicus is a bit of an idiot at times.
5) What's left can be found in a small envelope, glued to the inside back
"True Speech" by Quercus ex Miscallenae
Intellego Aquam 25 - Voice of the Lake
Intellego Herbam 25 - Converse with Plant and Tree
Intellego Ignem 25 - Words of the Flickering Flame
Intellego Terram 30 - Stone Tell of the Mind That Sits
"My Favourite Spells" by Lignus ex Merinita
NB: These spells make extensive use of the principles of Faerie Magic,
and so those not able to use FM will find this book a bit useless.
Intellego Imaginem 35 - The Faithful Image
Muto Imaginem (Mentem) 25 - Visions of the Fay Reality
Rego Herbam 40 - Landlord of the Trees
"Dealing with Difficult People" by Martyn ex Jerbiton
Muto Mentem 20 - Emotion of the Reversed Intentions
Rego Corpus 15 - Lifting The Dangling Puppet
Rego Imaginem 10 - The Wizard's Sidestep
NB: Martyn suggests using these spells in order, using the second if the
first fails, and the third if the second doesn't work.
"Post Tenebras Lux" by Garulus ex Flambeau
Perdo Ignem 15 - Bleak Shadows of Midnight
Creo Ignem 35 - Ball of Abyssal Flame
"Parva Scintilla Saepe Magnam Flamam Excitat" by Garulus ex Flambeau
Creo Aquam 15 - Creeping Oil
Rego Ignem 25 - Ward Against Heat and Flames
Untitled, being a transcription of a near-incinerated lab text found in the
debris of Garulus's lab.
Creo Ignem 50 - Phoenix's Last Flight
"Eventus Stultorum Magister" by Fendix ex Criamon
Muto Imaginem 5 - Passivity of the Spell-Casting Wizard
Perdo Herbam 15 - Wizard's Autumn
"Dura Lex, Sed Lex" by Soldat ex Jerbiton
Creo Animal 10 - The Venamous Blade
Muto Corpus 20 - Gift of the Hero's Strength
Creo Mentam 20 - Spectacle of Abject Terror
Creo Ignem 35 - Eyes of Flame
"Hephaestus's kingdom" by Tormiliano ex Criamon
An italian text on volcano magic containing the spells
"Lava Flood" lvl 50 ReIg(Te) Does exactly what it says on the tin.
"Molten wrath" lvl 25 MuTe(Ig) Turns a stone into a gobbet of lava and
throws it at someone.
"Soothe the raging earth" lvl 30 Quells earthquakes and volcanoes.
"Moving things" by Gnypfried ex Verditius
"Unseen might" Lvl 30 ReTe. As Unseen porter in all respects except that it
can lift a far larger weight.
"Unseen assistant" Lvl 25 ReTe. As Unseen porter but duration is one day,
and the spell can continue repeating a simple task or be given new orders.
"Unseen tweezers" Lvl 10 ReTe. A small, lightweight but highly sensitive
telikinetic effect for e.g. building or picking locks.
"Mundane relations for beginners" by Lucitius ex Jerbiton
A selection of ReHe, ReAn and ReAu spells for use by farmers to be detailed
at a later date. Lucitius was often exasperated by the confrontational
attitude shown to the local peasants by his covenant. As he writes in his
introduction "judicious use of these spells will ensure that massacres the
like of the one I saw yesterday are not necessary again".
(80 spell levels - gm)
'The Essential Storm Mage' by Janus Patrius ex Bjorner
ReAu30 Gathering of the Stormy Might
ReAu30 Pull of the Skybound Winds
PeAu20 Quiet the Raging Winds
PeAu35 The Cloudless Sky Returned
InAu25 Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow
"Handy Herbam for Travelling Magi" ed. Helena ex Merinita
InHe10 Intuition of the Forest
CrHe10 Conjuration of the Sturdy Vine
ReHe10 Repel the Wooden Shafts
InHe15 Hunt for the Wild Herb
"Avoidance of Danger" ed. Helena ex Merinita
ReMe10 The Call to Slumber
PeMe15 Calming the Motion of the Heart
ReAn20 The Gentle Beast
"Fun with Imaginem" ed. Helena ex Merinita
InIm10 Viewing the Distant Scene
PeIm15 Veil of Invisibility
ReIm30 Image from the Wizard Torn
'Essential Tools for the Interested Magus'
Spell Analysis, InVi20 and 40.
Scales of Power InVi5
Strings of the Active Arcane Connection InVi25
Sense of the Lingering Magic InVi30
'Serious Applications of Vim'
Hammer of Thaumaturgical Shattering Pe(In)Vi30
Wind of Mundane Silence PeVi30
Wizard's Boost (Auram) MuVi30
Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi30
A scroll containing CrHe35 The Bountiful Feast
'A selection of spells from the scrolls of Johan of Thuringia'
Curse of the Desert PeAq20
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch CrCo20
The Inexorable Search InCo20
Trap of the Entwining Vines CrHe10
Memory of the Distant Dream CrMe200
Gather the Essence of the Beast MuVi15
Unwished Gift of Returned Pains PeCo20
Eye of the Wizard's Swamp MuTe25
Reveal the Gift InVi30
Hammer of Thaumaturgical Shattering PeVi(In)20
Deluge of Rushing and Drowning CrAq40
Lungs of the Fish MuAq(Au)10
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie InMe20
'Transformations' by Zashya Miyouna
Steed of Vengeance MuAn30
The Beast Remade MuAn(Co)25
Carrier Pigeon MuAn(AuImRe)25
Cloak of White Feathers MuAn(AqAu)35 (as Cloak of Black Feathers, but
a Swan not a Raven)
'Spells of the Earth' by Julian ex Tytalus (first section)
Hermes' Portal ReTe75
Teeth of the Earth Mother MuTe35
Wizards Communion at 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th magnitudes.
Aegis of the Hearth at 4th, 7th and 10th magnitudes.
Jonathan David Amery
Last modified: Fri Jan 25 18:02:31 GMT 2002