Tebay Covenant: Minutes of First Council Meeting of 1220



The incapacity or absence of the Elder members of the Covenant being regretted it was decided that we should take control of Tebay. Diér was chosen as chair by acclamation.

A census of our resources was taken. We have enough salt-meat to last us indefinitely, but the covenants magical resources have been sadly depleted in the accidents that Alma mentioned in her letter. Finding enough Vis to cast an Aegis was deemed to be a priority.

Alma and Zorkan were noted to apparently be in Twilight. The other Magi of the covenant have been reported to either have left or been killed it was assumed that their sanctums could be reassigned. Alma and Zorkan's tower will be left for the time being.

Space was assigned to the various present Magi. Roderick was assigned one of the Guest Rooms in the central segment and given free run of the Library.

It was noted that there was a closed off section of the Library. In the light of the warnings on the door it was agreed that no Magus should attempt to scry that area, or enter it without warning the other members of the Covenant first.

Some thought was made of procuring a Glass Blower for the Covenant.

We have not been able to find a copy of the Covenant Charter. The Quaesitores should have a copy.

There are 10 tokens that allow entrance to the Regio. The locations of 7 of them are known.

Action Points

Jonathan David Amery
Last modified: Tue Feb 15 18:25:22 GMT 2005