[Bnomic-private] Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] I'm evil

Wonko dplepage@twcny.rr.com
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 08:25:17 -0400

Quoth Baron von Skippy,

>>> I kick bd in the ass.  Just because.  If there isn't sufficient
>> justification
>>> in the LOGAS to do it, I do it anyway, just without any honor attached.
>>> Glotmorf
>> There are better ways to do this, you know:
>> The American Heritage Dictionary defines 'hoax' as:
>> n. An act intended to deceive or trick
>> By CFI'ing the existance of 1000 rules, bd has attempted to decieve us into
>> think that the existance of these rules is questionable.
>> Therefore, bd has committed 1000 hoaxes, each of which were done via email.
>> Therefore, for perpetuating an email hoax 1000 times, I kick bd in the Ass
>> 1000 times.
>> Have a nice day.
>> --
>> Wonko
> -[[Although it might be noted that well over half of those 1000 do not, in
> fact, exist. So you can only kick him once per rule that does exist.
> However, I can get him for all 1000. See, there are 14 other players in the
> Game, and 1000 CFIs. Each player will have to take more than 70 of those.
> That's a lot, and making us do that shows intense disrespect for the rest of
> us. In fact, each and every one of those CFIs is hostile against the poor
> player who has to Judge it. As such:]]
> I kick bd in the Ass 1000 times for "unbridled hostility" [[it's in the
> ruleset. I'm quoting.]] against all "players" [[quoting again]] but "emself"
> [[Spivak rule]].
> [[Have a nice day, bd.]]

Oh no, I can kick em for all 1000 - e tried to convince us that we didn't
know whether or not any rule numbered between 0 and 1000 existed. Casting
doubt on, say, rule 1000's failure to exist is also a hoax.

Wait a minute, there're 1001 CFI's there, not 1000, since it goes from

I guess I forgot about bd's rule 0 hoax. For perpetuating an email hoax, I
Kick bd in the Ass.
