[Bnomic-private] refreksh

bd bdonlan@maine.rr.com
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 21:32:11 -0400

Set my refresh proposal to:
Make 5 random Gremlins Active; put all other Gremlins into Hiding.

Remove all BNS from all players, then give 500 BNS to each player. Give
the Bank (5,000,000 - (500 * number of players)) BNS.

Destroy all Stocks.

Reset the Clock to nweek 22, nday 8, and turn the Clock Off.

Create the following rule:
__The Clock is Broken__

If, at any time the forum spoon-business@nomic.net is not a public forum =
the clock is On, turn the clock Off.

This rule takes precedence over all other rules.

Make spoon-business@nomic.net a private forum.

If the player bd has had made more than 1001 CFIs, delete the last 1001 a=
s if=20
they had never been submitted.

=09"In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy department."