DoA Characters

Initial Auction Table

Character Parent End Psy Str War Stu Notable
Dante Unknown 3rd 4th Amber 6th = Adv Pattern, Sorcery, Crow
Dominic Coral & Luke 2nd 1st Weak 5th - Adv Pattern, Book, Hacker
Glorr Martin 3rd 5th 3rd 3rd = Adv Pattern, Bows, Ranger
Joules Coral 1st 6th 1st 5th = Robot Body
Kline Coral 4th 2nd Amber 2nd = Trump
Sky Julia 3rd 2nd Weak 1st + Shapeshift, Computer, Pilot
Thorondran Merlin 5th 3rd 2nd 4th = Shapeshift, Trump

(= for stuff means -1 to +1)



Dante, parentage unknown (except possibly to Prince Martin?), is an advanced user of the Pattern and also a Sorcerer. He has a talking poet crow called "Rook".



Dominic, acknowledged son of both Coral and Luke, is an advanced, but apparently distractable, user of the Pattern with a knack with electronics. He is known for having frequent headaches.


Glorr, Martin's son, is a charmer, master tracker, and archer. He is often followed by a choir of living winged bows. He is also an advanced user of Pattern.



Joules, son of Coral, was involved in an accident at the age of 17. He died. Almost. Most of his body was destroyed and he would have died if Luke and Merlin had not joined up their skill to keep him alive


Kline, son of Coral, is a drifter and an artist who is often presumed on to sketch or paint people at court.



Short and with the sunny disposition that you might expect from someone for whom things have a habit of going right, Sky is a notable airship pilot.

Everyone remembers the race in which a competitor sabotaged Sky's zeppelin and the copilot drifted to the ground using Sky's stretching form as a parachute.

Sky has occasionally been seen to take the form of a large fox.



Thorondran, son of Merlin, has been known to change into the shape of animals and can make simple trump sketches.