The Tomb of the Lost Prince

Tales are told of a quiet and unassuming valley in a distant and seldom visited shadow in which a hero was laid to rest. In some, they are a scion of Amber; in some they were the wielder of a powerful artifact whose like has not been seen since.

A decade after the end of the Great War, you are being sent to explore the Tomb and find out once and for all what lies within.

Basic Information

  • Welcome to The Tomb of the Lost Prince, run by Natalie and Shadow.
  • The first five books are considered to be loosely canonical.
  • The characters will be divided into two groups with different goals. The groups may eventually interact with each other but the focus of the game for each group will be solving their own puzzles and passing their own obstacles.
  • Characters must be created before the con.
  • The sooner you can tell us which backgrounds you are interested in, the better.
