"Welcome, stranger, to our humble residence - do have a seat and tell me what brings you here."

Sebastian shows you through to a well-appointed drawing room, and gestures in the direction of a seat.

"So, how can I help?"

Some thoughts and history from me on where Sebastian came from, and who he is.
My present trump image for Sebastian.
An introduction to Elaine, including some of Sebastian's background.
Sebastian's weapon. A wraparound rapier, of sorts.
New Begining?
A diary entry for Sebastian, written just after his arrival in Amber.
Session 1
Met the Family, visited the Corwin-verse for the first time.
Session 2
A day sightseeing in the Corwin-verse Avalon.
Session 3
Back to 'reality'. Recovered a kidnapped Elaine, but which?
Session 4
Spent the day getting back to the state we woke up in.
Session 5
Clare talks to herself in Tir'na'nogth. Elaine resolved.
Session 6
Attacked by, and took revenge on, broken Corwin-verse pattern.
Session 7
Tamash cured, and chambers in Castle Amber explored.

Tom Garnett
Cambridge, England