[Bnomic-private] Re: State of Emergency

Daniel Lepage bnomic-private@ysolde.ucam.org
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 00:12:55 -0500

On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 11:55 PM, SkArcher wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 23:19:37 -0500, Daniel Lepage <dpl33@cornell.edu> 
> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 11:10 PM, Glotmorf wrote:
>>> On 17 Dec 2003 at 22:08, Daniel Lepage wrote:
>>>> Athena's Society does not have the power to enforce its Tontine
>>>> regulations - a player on the verge of Garbage Collection must be On
>>>> Leave, and On Leave players may not take actions. Which is probably 
>>>> not
>>>> a good thing, as coming On Leave is an action.
>>> Interestingly, Athena's Society's charter was considered to
>>> have had the power to enforce its Tontine on Orc in a
>>> Spacesuit; eir points got transferred to the remaining members
>>> just before e got GCed, and that was sufficiently long ago
>>> that it's now a legal action.
>>> Interestingly, r205, in the most recent form I have on file
>>> (205/5), says a player comes Off Leave when e performs an
>>> action.  It then goes on to say that while a player is On
>>> Leave, e cannot perform actions.  If we were to look at the
>>> combination of these two, one might interpret it to say that
>>> any actual action a player performs must be while Off Leave,
>>> and if e happens to be On Leave at the time that's assumed to
>>> end as soon as the action is performed.
>>> In which case, Mr. in a Spacesuit's compulsory action of
>>> yielding all eir points to eir fellow Athenians should have
>>> taken em Off Leave, at which point e'd be GCed three nweeks
>>> later instead.
>> R205 states that a player comes Off Leave when e takes an action. It 
>> also states that e cannot take actions. Therefore, e cannot come Off 
>> Leave. Your logic requires that posting an action to a public forum 
>> causes you to take that action; this is not true if the action is one 
>> forbidden to you by the rules, and for a player On Leave all actions 
>> are forbidden.
>> I believe that Mr. in a Spacesuit's destruction and the subsequent 
>> reclamation of eir possessions by Athena's Society was illegal; it 
>> only happened because of the Statute of Limitations.
> the statement requiring players of Athena society surely acts with the 
> enforcement of the rule which states something like 'Societies have 
> the right to restrict or mandate players actions in ways specified in 
> their charter? (sorry, don't have a set of rules handy right now) 
> Because this would be a limitation on the players actions, that rule 
> permits (and indeed, enforces) their forced action of giving out all 
> eir points.

The societies rule explicitly states that players may not be forced to 
perform actions they could not perform anyway. Otherwise, I could 
create a society and have it "force" me to take all the points from the 
Gremlin Fund, or something along those lines.
