Resources of Western Dawn
Last modified: Sprint 1220 (late)
So, what resources *do* we have?
Well, there's the library, and we've
got some money (about enough to last us until 1220 at our
current rate of expenditure - this is a problem) and we've got
some vis (and some sources, fortunatly). Oh, and we've got a
large hole in the ground that we're extracting stone out of! And
some magical items.
Vis (in pawns):
- Creo: 16
- Intelligo: 25
- Muto: 10
- Perdo: 22
- Rego: 14
- Animal: 13(.25)
- Aquam: 9
- Auram: 24
- Corpus: 6
- Herbam: 27
- Ignem: 4
- Imaginem: 7
- Mentem: 10
- Terram: 15
- Vim: 62
- The covenant grounds produce 2 pawns of vis every season
- Spring: Creo
- Summer: Rego
- Autumn: Muto
- Winter: Perdo
This is harvested by the grogs.
- The statue of Hermes Trimegstus in the grounds 'leaks' 3
pawns of Intelligo vis each year, and 2 pawns of Vim each
- There is a lightning struck tree on the boundary between
magic and faerie influence which the fay harvest about 4 pawns
of vis from twice a year. We also harvest 4 pawns. In summer
this is Herbam, in winter Auram.
- There is also a pool, with salt deposits around, at the
north-west end of the valley. When we first found it it had
15 pawns of Aquam vis in, and 8 of Terram in the salt. It
was harvested down to 2 pawns Aq and 0 Te in Autumn 1215, and
in Winter 1217 had 4-5 pawns Aq and about half a pawn Te.
- And there's a herd of Aurochs. Currently standing at five
Bulls (one old, one younger, two very young), 13 Cows, and 1
calf (just born) (male). If a cow is
kept milking then she'll produce on average 1/4 pawn of Animal
vis per season).
Magical Items:
- The statue is quite heavily magical. We don't know why
- Yeremy's gauntlets.
- Oh, and I guess my staff, but that's not for
general use.
- A globe with bees on
it. Yeremy has spent a season investigating the effects in
- Iosef has produced a ring for flying.
Other stuff:
- A demijohn with enough magic ink for six books. (out of
date - 1218)
Megaera ex Bonisagus
Last modified: Thu Feb 21 00:55:51 GMT 2002